Friday, November 11, 2011


There needs to be a web 2.0 site dedicated to collating diverse opinions on 'canonical' literature. This non-blog is a prototype, using Blogger, which will ideally serve to bootstrap something more ambitious.

We will mostly limit ourselves to postwar fiction, starting with about 100 authors chosen by Harold Bloom, plus another 100 or so he neglected. Visitors are invited to submit one (shortish) comment on each author they feel strongly about. If you post a second comment on the same author, your first will be deleted, so consider it a re-write, not a postscript.


Bloom's omissions
Bloom's inclusions
Bloom's oddities
Theocratic/Aristocratic/Democratic/prewar Chaotic

Other canons:

Individual: Barger, Smiley, Burgess, Seymour-Smith, Funsten, Ukaunz, Borges, Koen, Burt, Raftery, Fadiman, Piegirl, Mesler, Berres, Urich, Froggie, Gioia1, Gioia2, Winalotta

Group: HungryMind, Observer, Modern Library (Board & Readers), StMarks, Time, BOMC, BBC, Harvard, Radcliffe, Hitchers, NYPubLib, KY, Northport, Cannon, Utah, Waterstones, Exclusive, Madison, Readable, TLS, Utne, Good, Kunde composite, Logos, JoCo, Library Journal, OCLC, Montana, Inspirica, BluePyramid, Friendswood, Counterpunch, Barron

Also: Mortimer Adler, Allan Bloom, Joyce's Oxen

Here's a custom search-engine for all these lists (find best-matches to your own list by separating titles or authors with 'OR'):

...It's skipping many pages-- try this three-part variant: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]