Monday, July 16, 2007

Ernest Hemingway

[Wikipedia] b.1899

(1926) The Torrents of Spring
(1926) The Sun Also Rises (Bloom, Friendswood-16, Northport-16, Kunde-18, Radcliffe-18, Gioia1-18, Koen-19, Urich-25, Madison-28, LJ-45, MLb-45, MLr-63, Mesler-93, OCLC-135 Ukaunz-689, Time, BOMC, BPL, Good, Harvard, HungryMind, Inspirica, sSmith, Connolly, Sullivan, cPunch)
(1929) A Farewell to Arms (Bloom, Utah-18, Radcliffe-20, Kunde-26, LJ-33, Friendswood-33, Northport-42, Winalotta-52, Madison-54, Koen-57, Montana-68, Burt-73, MLb-74, MLr-91, OCLC-92, bPyramid-469, Ukaunz-663, BOMC, Connolly, Sullivan, Gioia2, Logos)
(1937) To Have and Have Not (Ukaunz-615)
(1940) For Whom the Bell Tolls (Winalotta-14, Northport-23, Radcliffe-30, Urich-33, Kunde-60, Koen-68, Gioia1-88, OCLC-132, Friendswood-144, Ukaunz-587, NYPubLib, Madison, Harvard, Burgess)
(1950) Across the River and Into the Trees
(1952) The Old Man and the Sea (LJ-26, Madison-27, Kunde-29, Radcliffe-32, Utah-36, Friendswood-36, Winalotta-37, Koen-55, OCLC-80, BBC-173, bPyramid-372, Ukaunz-521, Norway, Burgess, Inspirica, Sullivan, Gioia2, Cannon, Barron)
(1970) Islands in the Stream
(1986) The Garden of Eden (Bloom)
(1999) True at First Light
(2005) Under Kilimanjaro
(1923 stories) Three Stories and Ten Poems
(1925 stories) In Our Time (Mesler-38, Radcliffe-77, Kunde-158, Inspirica, Connolly)
(1927 stories) Men Without Women (Observer)
(1933 stories) Winner Take Nothing
(1936 stories) The Snows of Kilimanjaro
(1938 stories) The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories
(1969 stories) The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War
(1972 stories) The Nick Adams Stories
(1987 stories) The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (Bloom, Fadiman, HungryMind)
(1995 stories) Everyman's Library: The Collected Stories
(1932 nonfiction) Death in the Afternoon
(1935 nonfiction) Green Hills of Africa
(1962 nonfiction) Hemingway, The Wild Years
(1964 nonfiction) A Moveable Feast
(1967 nonfiction) By-Line: Ernest Hemingway
(1970 nonfiction) Ernest Hemingway: Cub Reporter
(1981 nonfiction) Ernest Hemingway Selected Letters 1917-1961
(1985 nonfiction) The Dangerous Summer
(1985 nonfiction) Dateline: Toronto

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