Monday, July 16, 2007

Fyodor Dostoevsky

[Wikipedia] b.1821

Poor Folk (1846)
The Double: A Petersburg Poem (1846 poem)
Netochka Nezvanova (1849)
The Village of Stepanchikovo (1859) (bPyramid-725)
The House of the Dead (1860)
The Insulted and Humiliated (1861)
A Nasty Story (1862)
Notes from the Underground (1864) (Bloom, bPyramid-277, Ukaunz-871, Inspirica, Oxford, GtBooks, Gioia2)
Crime and Punishment (1866) (Bloom, Urich-10, Gioia1-13, Burt-22, OCLC-36, bPyramid-49, BBC-60, Mesler-66, Ukaunz-867, Columbia, Fadiman, Harvard, Norway, Ward, Adler, Oxford, Barron, Cannon)
The Gambler (1867) (Gioia1-40)
The Idiot (1869) (Bloom, Gioia1-17, Urich-44, Montana-76, OCLC-229, bPyramid-277, Ukaunz-861, Smiley, Norway, Ward, Adler, Oxford)
The Possessed (1872) (Bloom, Gioia1-89, OCLC-376, Ukaunz-850, Borges, Norway, Oxford)
The Raw Youth (1875)
The Brothers Karamazov (1880) (Bloom, Gioia1-2, Burt-5, Montana-9, Urich-16, Mesler-26, OCLC-42, bPyramid-469, Ukaunz-837, Observer, Adler, Madison, Rexroth, Aquinas, Fadiman, Harvard, Norway, Ward, StJohns, Inspirica, Good, Oxford, Barron, Cannon)
A Writer's Diary (1873-1881)
short novels (Bloom)

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