Wednesday, July 18, 2007

F. Scott Fitzgerald

[Wikipedia] b.1896

This Side of Paradise (1920) (Radcliffe-91, OCLC-172, Kunde-184, bPyramid-557, cPunch)
The Beautiful and Damned (1922) (Radcliffe-96, Kunde-191, Oxford)
The Great Gatsby (1925) (Bloom, Kunde-1, Radcliffe-1, Friendswood-1, MLb-2, Koen-3, Northport-3, Madison-5, Winalotta-7, Utah-9, Waterstones-12, bPyramid-12, MLr-13, LJ-13, Urich-18, Burt-20, Gioia1-23, BBC-43, OCLC-53, Montana-57, Froggie-70, Ukaunz-699, Observer, Time, NYPubLib, Smiley, Adler, BPL, HungryMind, Inspirica, cPunch, Sullivan, Connolly, sSmith, Cannon, Barron)
Tender Is the Night (1934) (Bloom, MLb-28, Kunde-42, Radcliffe-62, Koen-66, Friendswood-69, Winalotta-80, Mesler-84, OCLC-183, Ukaunz-638, BOMC, cPunch, Sullivan, Connolly, sSmith)
The Last Tycoon (1941) (OCLC-447)

The Princeton Tiger (humor magazine, 1917)
The Vegetable, or From President to Postman (play, 1923)
The Crack-Up (essays and stories, 1945)
All the Sad Young Men (stories 1926)
Babylon Revisited (stories) (Bloom)
Taps at Reveille (stories 1935)
Tales of the Jazz Age (stories 1922)
Flappers and Philosophers (stories 1920)
The Basil and Josephine Stories (stories) (Urich-13)

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