Wednesday, June 20, 2007

William Wharton

[Wikipedia] b.1925

1978 • Birdy
1981 • Dad (Barger-62)
1982 • A Midnight Clear
1984 • Scumbler
1985 • Pride
1987 • Tidings
1989 • Franky Furbo
1991 • Last Lovers
1994 • Wrongful Deaths (memoir)
1996 • Houseboat on Seine (memoir)

The following titles only published in Polish - includes English translation of title
1998 • Historie rodzinne - Say Uncle
1999 • Al (sequel to Birdy) - Al (subtitle) Worth Trying (?)
1999 • William Wharton - Album (reproductions of paintings)
1999 • Opowieści z Moulin du Bruit - Tales of the Moulin Du Bruit
1999 • Szrapnel - Shrapnel
2000 • Tam, gdzie spotykają się wszystkie światy - Beyond the Closet
2001 • Niedobre miejsce - A Hard Place
2001 • Nigdy, nigdy mnie nie złapiecie - Nyah, Nyah, You Can't Catch Me
2002 • Nie ustawaj w biegu - Run, Run, Run
2003 • Rubio - (roughly 'fair-haired' or blonde - from Spanish)

1 comment:

JockOK said...

As the author of the most recent amended William Wharton corrections in Wikipedia (polish published titles), I would appreciate if you would remove the (Barger - 62) reference after the book title for "Dad". It does not belong there, is misleading confusing and, basically, a nonsense.